*COMING UP!- MAY 3rd 2014- WAR OF 1812 WEEKEND
Watch Video ( War of 1812 at Concord Point Light House Museum and Keeper's House, Havre de Grave, MD
WAR of 1812- America's Second War of Independence
CHE N&EE Historical Interpreter presents interactive nautical crafts at War of 1812 event at Jefferson Paterson Park
HISTORY- During the War of 1812, dramatic events took place on JPPM grounds. The British had controlled the Chesapeake Bay since the beginning of the war. In an attempt to open the Bay, a flamboyant ex-privateer, Commodore Joshua Barney, assembled a rag-tag fleet of eighteen small gun boats, barges, and sloops and headed down the Bay in June of 1814. Barney's Chesapeake Flotilla clashed with the British on June 8 – 10 and again on June 26th in the Battle of St. Leonard Creek. The battle, which is the largest naval engagement in the history of Maryland, took place where the Patuxent River meets the mouth of St. Leonard Creek, right off the shore of JPPM.
The naval engagement was supported on land by American Army, Marine, and militia units, including a gun battery which was located on JPPM property. Both the land units and the flotilla engaged the British, and hundreds of shots per hour were exchanged between the two forces. Archaeological evidence of the battle has been discovered on JPPM grounds in the form of cannonballs, musket shot and other military artifacts. Eventually the British retreated and Barney's fleet was able to escape from St. Leonard Creek.
Commemoration of the War of 1812 Bicentennial
Mc Keldin Square, Inner Harbor
Of the War of 1812"
Living History, Cultural Enrichment & Environmental Learning
EXPOSITION Location: Sailabration Village M&T Bank Chesapeake Family Zone-
June 14th thru June 18th
The Ship (Baltimore Clipper Sailing the Atlantic along St Domingue, and the Chesapeake of Maryland) Mission- Prey Upon Merchant's Ships of Britain).
During the War of 1812, America's Second War of Independence, President James Madison attempted to overcome the small size of the US Navy by issuing Letters of Marquee and Reprisal to private ship owners. This document allowed its holder to arm his vessel and act as a privateer, or, in essence, a legal pirate, representing the United States. Privateers were permitted to prey upon the merchant fleet of the belligerent nation, Great Britain, and take captured cargo and vessels as prizes. American privateers, many of them sailing out of Chesapeake Bay in Baltimore Clippers built in Fells Point, captured or sank some 1,700 British merchant vessels during the two and a half year war. Other Baltimore Clippers served as cargo vessels to bring needed munitions and other armaments through the naval blockade that the British imposed on the US coastline, including Chesapeake Bay.
The Baltimore Clipper, 1795-1815, A Unique Sailing Machine
In the 1790's, Maryland led the nation in shipbuilding and Baltimore was the undisputed leader of this industry on the Chesapeake Bay. Baltimore Clippers, built for speed in an era when speed on the high seas was synonymous with survival, won the respect of the maritime nations of the world and helped establish the reputation of the Port of Baltimore as a center of commerce and the home of some of the world's most creative shipbuilders.
The design for Baltimore Clippers emerged from the shipyards of Fells Point in response to the need for fast ships that could elude the powerful but lumbering British naval vessels that preyed upon American shipping, even after our successful War of Independence. Baltimore Clippers were "sharp built," that is, they had a V-shaped hull that could cut quickly through the waves. As a result they were fast, but had little cargo space, a major factor in their eventual decline. They were gaff-rigged schooners, although many had a square sail for driving power on the foremast. As a consequence, they could sail closer to the wind and were much more maneuverable than the clumsy full-rigged British ships of the time.
Baltimore Clippers were fast, highly maneuverable sailing machines that employed the highest technology and design available at the time. They reached their zenith between 1795, the unofficial re-commencement of naval hostilities between the US and Great Britain, and 1815, the end of our Second War of Independence.
The Crew
"Capitaine Lord Gar" aka Ludger K. Balan
"Lady Khan Dice" aka Candice Mitchell
"Lady Quest Tina" aka Questina Johnson
"Lady Jah Nehra" aka Jeneara Hampton
"Sir Dah Wood" aka Dawould Ameen
"Sir Jah Phepth" aka Japheth Clark
"Sir Jen Dei"
"Sir Seal Vest Stir" aka Sylvester Johnson
"Sir Jah Red"
"The Stoweaways"
Scrabble Dabble Doo!
Wow! what stories did they tell?
Baltimore paper assailed in mob action
The first of several Baltimore riots connected with the war takes place. The Federal Republican, an anti-war Federalist newspaper in Baltimore, publishes an anti-war editorial by owner Alexander Contee Hanson attacking the U.S. government and accusing the Madison administration of being supporters of Napoleon who sold out to France. The editorial incites the patriotic fury of the public, which ends with a mob assaulting – and destroying – the newspaper's offices.
The History Barrel Movement
June 22, 1812
Baltimore paper assailed in mob action
The first of several Baltimore riots connected with the war takes place. The Federal Republican, an anti-war Federalist newspaper in Baltimore, publishes an anti-war editorial by owner Alexander Contee Hanson attacking the U.S. government and accusing the Madison administration of being supporters of Napoleon who sold out to France. The editorial incites the patriotic fury of the public, which ends with a mob assaulting – and destroying – the newspaper's offices.
Thousands of SAILABRATION 2012 Visitors Gave the History Barrel a Spin
to learn about local historic figures of African Heritage
The History Education Station
Families and Children received an enriched and expensed historical perspective
of the African Heritage Experience during the American Revolution thru the War of 1812
Signing of Treaty of Ghent
The "Pride of Baltimore" (USA)
The USS Hurricane
Selected Visiting Tall Sail Ships The "Cisne Branco" (Brazil)
The "Gloria" ( Columbia)
(The Ship is the "Gloria" from Columbia not Ecuador. WBAL mistake) The "Guayas" (Ecuador)
The "Cuauhtemoc" ( Mexico)
(Guayas ( Ecuador) & the Cuauhtemoc, last ship in footage) The "Dewaruci" (Indonesia)
The "Yardam to Yardarm"
Timelapse Arriving Tall Sailships
The Blue Angels Airshow
Cannon Salute at Fort Mc Henry
Stiching of the Flag
Greetings from The Mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
Renaissance Tours Highlights The Role of African Americans in The War of 1812 Greetings From The Governor of Maryland
The Governor of Maryland Martyn O'Malley Announces Funding For Harriet Tubman Visitor Center
Our unique collection of historic naval armory of the War of 1812, provides an insight on the naval an military technology of the era.
Signing of Treaty of Ghent
News of the treaty finally reached the United States after the American victory in the Battle of New Orleans and the British victory in the Second Battle of Fort Bowyer, but before the British assault on Mobile, Alabama. Skirmishes occurred between U.S. troops and British-allied Indians along the Mississippi River frontier for months after the treaty, including the Battle of the Sink Hole in May 1815. The U.S. Senate unanimously approved the treaty on 16 February 1815, and President James Madison exchanged ratification papers with a British diplomat in Washington on 17 February; the treaty was proclaimed on 18 February. Eleven days later, on 1 March Napoleon escaped from Elba, starting the war in Europe again, and forcing the British to concentrate on the threat he posed. The treaty made no major changes to the pre-war situation, but Britain promised to return the freed black slaves encouraged during the war to escape to British territory. In practice, a few years later Britain instead paid the United States $1,204,960 for reparation.
In 1922, the Fountain of Time was dedicated to the city of Chicago, being placed in Washington Park marking 100 years of peace between the United States and the United Kingdom. The Peace Bridge between Buffalo, New York and Fort Erie, Ontario, opened in 1927, commemorates 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada.
Fleetweek 2012 in NY Harbor
at Castle Clinton National Monument
...C'mon is there really a need for conflict?
(photo from Castle Clinton National Monument, in collaboration with UDEC)
...Gee...What stories would the women tell? ...go on... fill in the blanks.
(photo from Castle Clinton National Monument, in collaboration with UDEC)
...Do we really need to impress you...that much?
(photo from Castle Clinton National Monument, in collaboration with UDEC)
...So, ...where do we go from here?
(photo from Castle Clinton National Monument, in collaboration with UDEC)
New York's Harbor's Fleetweek Parade of Ships
...Will you consider an attitude adjustment towards
management, conservation, distribution
& commerce of natural resources?
African Heritage Canada War of 1812
has been censored for a live experience only) "The American Revolutionary War" CHE Nautical & Enviro Edutainment at BCC CUNY "Black History Month"
Email: Che.Edutainment@gmail.com Sailabration Field Contact #: 347-224-5828 Click Here to View CHE N&EE Official Website or copy paste - http://www.wix.com/cheedutainment/che-nautical